Introducing a Web 3.0 security protocol for blockchain and DApps
NutGain is a global decentralized ecosystem offering users powerful technological tools and unique advantages in the e-commerce space.
What lies at the heart of NutGain’s innovations is the bringing together of powerful nascent technologies in the digital space, to form an integrated system.
Emergent technologies in the digital space have opened tremendous opportunities for consumers. Tools from cryptocurrencies to smart browsing applications, to online retail platforms, have opened tremendous opportunities for the user and made these functions accessible and seamless.
While individually these tools offer unprecedented leverage and convenience, joining them together in one unified system could exponentialize these benefits.
NutGain was born from this realization.
How it Works
The NutGain ecosystem is built on three core technologies.
At the base sits the NutGain browser, equipped with a suite of cutting-edge applications to enhance web user experience and security such as a custom VPN, firewall and web attack protection, voice-and-video call, and an exclusive chat platform. In addition to the pre-existing tools, the browser also features NutGain’s dApps program that allows developers to create a wide range of applications in different fields, connect online gaming, and plug in other entertainment apps. NutGain’s browser boasts super-fast browsing speeds, offers an ad-free online experience, and has been optimized for efficiency. The browser also comes with several personalized features such as customized news feeds and a sidebar to easily access and control background running apps.
It is the browser’s blockchain-based infrastructure that creates both the browser’s robust security and the possibility for adding additional features and capabilities over time. It is this aspect of the ecosystem that will allow it to perpetually grow and improve, as members begin to build and offer additional enhanced features. NutGain will continue to create and publish templates to make it easier and more functional for developers to build applications for various purposes, share them with the rest of the NutGain community, and customize them to their unique needs.
But the primary function of the browser is to serve as the base layer of the ecosystem’s integrative functionality.
The central feature of the browser is the ability it gives users to control the flows of their browsing data. This includes the managing of cookies and the outflow of information regarding the sites they visit. All of this is a function of the browser’s User Data Platform. Through the Platform, the NutGain browser puts users’ personal data back into their own hands. Until now, user surfing data was, by default, siphoned off to service providers who then monetize the information for marketing. Now, this incredibly valuable data asset can be in the full control of individual users, who can then leverage it for their own benefit.
If a user decided to disclose their browsing data, the information is collected with complete anonymity marked only with a digital identification number. The data will never contain personal identifying details such as phone numbers, email or physical addresses, or user IDs. Furthermore, users can choose to stop sharing their browsing data at any time.
D-Hyper e-Commerce
When users choose to take control of their data with NutGain, they are rewarded with access to the D-Hyper e-Commerce platform. With the broad spectrum of sellers partnering with D-Hyper, users will be able to redeem the value of their data for buying power and receive special discounts on purchases they make. The digital marketplace will also have reward and loyalty programs enabled to profit both buyers and sellers.
The e-commerce network is based on a digital unit of value unique to the NutGain system called NutGain Token. The Token is a digital currency based on Binance Smart Chain (BSC), a decentralized digital asset exchange. The Token is based on BEP20 standard used for Etherum and other well-known cryptocurrencies.
All services in the NutGain ecosystem are paid using NutGain Token. In this way, the Token simultaneously functions as a way of rewarding users and uniting the NutGain community.
The application to store Tokens is built into the browser in the form of a Defi Wallet, a decentralized crypto wallet that makes users the sole custodian of their NutGain currency. The Wallet also allows for users to exchange their NutGain Tokens for other cryptocurrencies, further opening the range of digital commerce to the ecosystem’s members.
Learn more about the exciting new online system that’s giving control back to users and adding real-world value to their browsing experience.