Assuming that the user has already created his Metamask wallet and has Binance Smart Chain Network selected in the Metamask wallet.
Step: 1 Go to the website and copy the NutGain contract address highlighted in red.
Step:2 Go to Assets and click on “Import tokens”
Step 3: Paste the NUTGV2 address to the “Token Contract Address” rest of the details will appear by themselves if wait a second. And click on “Add Custom Tokens”.
NutGain (NUTGV2) Contract Address: 0xb149b030cfa47880af0bde4cd36539e4c928b3eb
Please do double-check the token address from — the website or BscScan
Step 4: Click on Import Token
Information Disclaimer
The information given above is for instructive purposes only. Please ensure you have double-checked for relevancy and correctness of the information at designated sources like Website and/or on BscScan.
Any potential issues arising due to the information not being verified would not be a matter of concern for the NutGain Team.
For more information, you should visit us either on our website or on our official Telegram Channel.